Time, Space, Existence
I'm Kardelen, a full-time lifelong learner and fresh graduate; my current focus is to dive into self-learning to sprout in fields passionate about contributing to society and the environment through design.
I value dedicating my skills to creating more equitable environments for all.
I hail from a science-oriented high school. By directing my previous education toward where I could include social-intuitive intelligence, I started the architecture journey with a full scholarship at Istanbul Bilgi University. As an Erasmus exchange student, I attended MA Architecture program classes at the IUAV University of Venice.
Throughout the university years, I shifted my focus to the relationship between the built environment and human behaviour.
Armed with a keen eye and technical knowledge, transforming architectural education into meaningful practice in today's consumption society requires a clear understanding of the world we live in, the society we interact with, and their integral parts. 
I believe in the power of participatory processes in design to shape well-functioning and lasting social environments. Creating the condition involves including people and considering their needs & expectations (simply by listening and hearing), generating a sense of belonging to their surroundings and, therefore, a desire to claim it.
So here I am, interested in exchange, inclusive, and collaborative processes. In order to stimulate conversations about feeling more connected to one's environment, I initiated a place-making charette, was a guest speaker in the Production of Space and the Urban Condition course in Istanbul Bilgi University and undertook various volunteer roles in my hometown. 
In the near future, I aim to pursue a master's degree integrated with social sciences to become a more credible/impact-oriented voice in my path. I want to stay on the side of architecture that fosters questions, understanding, and, most importantly, responsibility in productive environments.
Past and future aside, I keep curious and experimental at the moment. I walk, cook, read, explore and spend most of my time building myself.
anyone feels like saying Hi! or collaborating, please find me around